Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Strange Time to Start a Blog

How many times have I told myself "It's time."  I'm one of those idea people, who thinks of a cool concept, develops it to the flea degree, and then tortures myself with guilt because I don't go any farther with it.  Not this time.  I promise myself, right now, that I am going to write on this blog every day, starting this minute.
And I will do as little as I can to labor over editing it . . . which is really just another excuse not to publish it.  If you haven't guessed, I have a tendency to a) analyze things to death, b) convince myself that my writing isn't meaningful enough to attract an audience or c) delay my gratification too much.

I call this the Healing Through Desire to Heal blog because I am convinced that where there is a will, there is a way.  I started my own healing process about twenty years ago and have watched countless others seem to try, want to heal, but fail in the process and wonder what made me so lucky.  Luck is a huge part of things, and we all have periods when we are lucky (and not so fortunate), but I have concluded that there is something more than the Wheel of Fortune steering our destinies, and I call it a refusal to quit, also known as desire.  I have also chronicled my healing process because I wanted to share it with the world.  Alas, on my journey, I have learned that my process is simply that: mine.  Countless times on the road, I have told someone what worked for me, only to have her look at me with upraised eyebrows and a "What's that? I think I hear my mother calling me" look on her face. 

I heartily believe, that while I haven't the power to heal your pain or suffering, sharing my story might help your process. And, writing about my life will definitely peel another of my layers. This, therefore, has an intention: to randomly discuss, without too much outlining, brainstorming, conception or hem-hawing, my life as a daughter and mother primarily,and how those roles lead to the ultimate uncovery, discovery and recovery of Self. I'm sure the other roles I play(ed)--employee, sister, lover, friend, wife, etc., might also creep in from time to time.  But those are only secondary this time around. 

So, I have declared my mission.  I invite you to join me.  And I will publish this now, before I chiken out.  Stay tuned if you like, or come back in a month or two and see what has unfolded.  This is a good beginning.


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